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Digital Citizenship: Skills That Equip Children to Navigate and Thrive in the Digital World


Hi, I'm your friend Mr. Keybob. I'm here to help you become a digital super hero

Digital Citizenship is designed to help students from Grade 1 to Grade 12 become responsible, respectful, and informed users of technology. Our curriculum aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate the digital world confidently and safely. By the end of this course, students will be well-prepared to use technology responsibly and make positive contributions to their online communities.


Why Digital Citizenship Matters

In today’s digital age, understanding how to use technology responsibly is crucial. Digital Citizenship teaches students how to interact safely and respectfully online, protect their personal information, and make informed decisions about their digital presence. This knowledge empowers students to use technology in ways that enhance their lives and the lives of others.


What Students Will Learn

In the Digital Citizenship course, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to use technology responsibly and respectfully. They will learn the fundamentals of digital literacy, identity, and access, and explore safe online practices to protect their personal information and communicate securely. The course will also cover the importance of managing screen time, recognizing and reporting cyberbullying, and building a positive online identity. Students will understand digital equity and the need for fair access to technology, develop mindful digital shopping habits, and become aware of their digital rights and responsibilities. They will practice digital etiquette for effective communication, engage positively in online communities, and use technology for civic and educational empowerment. Additionally, students will explore the impact of emerging technologies like AI, AR, and VR, and learn about ethical AI use, privacy, and future opportunities.



Programs Module


Activities & Worksheets


Teacher Training 


Implementation Support

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